Sunday, December 2, 2012

Taiwan Trip part II "Out and about"

Second part of my Taiwan trip, amazing!! I got to spend time with my family. As much as I travel, it's sad to say I rarely ever get to travel with my family. Most of all my travels are work related, of course those are the most fulfilling types of travel for me. But relaxing and exploring can be fun too.

-Karen Hsiao

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Taiwan Trip part I "Taiwan's Traditional Outdoor Market"

Hello everyone! Sorry It's been forever since I posted on this blog. Reality life has been extremely busy, but overall fruitful. I've been to Taiwan and China this year, and both countries are amazing and completely different. I first traveled to Taiwan, January this year. Wow now is December! I can't believe a whole year has almost pasted. 

Here are a few treasures I found while I was in Taiwan.

"Taiwan's Traditional Outdoor Market"
The venters there are all super nice and love foreigners. They thought I was Japanese, lol. Nope American Taiwanese all the way!

Enjoy the photos!

-Karen Hsiao

Saturday, February 4, 2012

"Nose and Mouth" quick study

I've decided I wanted to play with composition in is this mini study. I took a series of close ups of my face and cropped it from different angles. I've always loved old 1970's fashion magazines, when the model's face occupy the cover. This was fun, I think I will be doing more of this with my models.

-Karen Hsiao

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Design Studies

For weeks I've been obsessing over design blogs; The Dieline, Graphic-Exchange, Best Designs, etc. So I've decided to do some design studies with my new camera. I love the images I got! I'm planning on using them for my packaging designs and book designs by add text to the images.

-Karen Hsiao

Monday, January 2, 2012

Redondo Beach

I took my student out for a day of shooting at the Redondo Beach Pier and this was what I found.

-Karen Hsiao